Are you a CFO in a public company, a financial controller in a privately held enterprise or a hands on business owner?
We can take the hassle out of arranging finance for you, as well as supporting you via general financial consulting services.
Full service finance broking
If you have previous experience arranging finance for a business, you’ll know it can be a time consuming and often stressful process. Our substantial experience and connections work for you, streamlining the process and optimising outcomes. We sort out the best conditions, covenants, security, cost and product suitability – the whole package.
Furthermore as accredited brokers to a vast panel of lenders we are typically paid on deal close by them – not you the customer. Lenders see MDA as an effective and low cost distribution source that benefits both the lender and you as the customer in terms of opportunity cost and application productivity.
We can arrange finance for:
- capital equipment, vehicle fleets, commercial property, development & working capital
- refinancing, company restructuring, event deals such as Management buyouts and company acquisition finance
So whether it’s a fleet of equipment for a new project, an acquisition line to purchase a competitor, an expanded working capital facility to grow your business, or financing to purchase commercial real estate, MDA Finance can facilitate your financing needs.
For more information about the types of finance we arrange, please see our financial products.
General business finance consulting
Even the best business owners, CFO’s and finance managers can benefit from a second opinion.
Post the 2008 global financial crisis (GFC) the financial landscape changed significantly. Access to credit, it’s conditions and costs can vary significantly from lender to lender. MDA’s Managing Director has seen these changes first hand having worked as an Executive within a major international financial supplier at the time of the GFC and in the last 7 years as an independent management consultant helping clients navigate optimal financial outcomes.
Our experience becomes a big part of our value proposition and we also avail ourselves on a competitive fee for service basis to provide that second opinion whether it’s a finance overview of your next project, a holistic review of all balance sheet debt facilities and banking services or if your having some problems with current debt commitments, we can help with a review and restructure plan and take a seat next to you in discussions with current lenders. We have the contacts and experience on all matters financing.
For an introductory, no obligation discussion about your business finance needs or to simply take stock on the appropriateness of what you have in place today, please contact us.